lundi 17 juillet 2017

There was a Chilean girl named Alice Guy,,,Evening star. (Washington, D.C.) May 23, 1915– à Washington D.C. I-95.

There was a Chilean girl named Alice Guy, whose father was a publisher at Valparaiso. An earthquake ruined him,and lie died. Then Aliee Guy went toParis to live, with her mother and sister.When she was sixteen she studiedstenography, and got work in the oflicc of(iu/.ainont iV Co., Paris, producers of motion pictures. She heeame secretary to(iu/.amont, and one day said to him:"I don't like these pietures of trains andlire departments. Let me product4 someof the French short stories."l ltiinately she produced for him "ThePassion Play" and "Ksincralda," anddrew a salary of one thousand francs amonth. Then she married Herbert Ulachcand came with him to New York, wherehe represented (lu/.amont iV ('o.\ow Madame niacin1 had that spirit ofenterprise that gave her courage and impulse to work. She made a careful studyof the motion picture field in America,and asked, "Why can't I produce pictureshere on my o\\n account?"She looked around, and at Flushing,Long Island, she found a building thatwould answer for a studio. She rented it.She and her husl?and had ten thousanddollars between them, saved from theirsalaries, and tlii< became the capital ofMadame Blache in founding the Solax('ompany in I !MMl.Ulache still held his position. "1 willmanage tlii-; enterprise," said his wife.She went to work with vast energy. Firstshe studied her possible material, andread far into tlie night. Then she wroteher ow n scenarios and produced such pictures as "Fra Diavolo," "Carmen," Poe's"Pit and the Pendulum," and "Dick Whittington and llis Cat."The capital proved sufficient: for theprolits piled up fast. Three years ago theplant was moved to Fort Lee. New Jersey,and il is now a half-niillion-dollar eiitcrp?-i---. Madame Blaclie's productionsoften cn-t twenty thousand dollars. Thecompany's net profits are reputed to rangebetween lift ecu and twenty thousand dollars a nionth. Evening star. (Washington, D.C.) May 23, 1915– à Washington D.C. I-95.

dimanche 2 juillet 2017

Alice Guy Blache at her wedding 1907 eglise de la Madeleine Paris

Alice Guy Blache at her wedding 1907 eglise de la Madeleine Paris

Alice Guy Blache at her wedding 1907 eglise de la Madeleine Paris

Bessie Love