Alice Guy Blache by Emmanuelle Gaume with Alexandra Lamy

Alice Guy Blache by Emmanuelle Gaume with Alexandra Lamy

lundi 29 décembre 2014

*Be Natural ! "In the Year 2015," Alice Guy Solax 1912

*Be Natural ! "In the Year 2000," Alice Guy Solax 1912
*Be Natural ! "In the Year 2015," Alice Guy Solax 1912
... —for chivalrous men, anyway. Today, with the multiplicity of femi- nine activities and the constant broadening of feminine spheres, it is difficult to predict to what height women will ascend. In the Solax production of "In the Year 2000," the release of Friday, May 17th, a serio-comic prognostica- tion is unreeled on the screen with such magnetic force, charm and rich imaginative detail ...

samedi 27 décembre 2014

Reverse*Alice by Kat Eiswald 2015

Reverse*Alice  by Kat Eiswald 2015

Reverse*Alice  by Kat Eiswald 2015

Reverse*Alice  by Kat Eiswald 2015

Reverse*Alice  by Kat Eiswald 2015

*Be NATURAL ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -AUTOBIOGRAPHIE - The LURE

*Be NATURAL ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -AUTOBIOGRAPHIE - The LURE

*Be NATURAL ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -AUTOBIOGRAPHIE-

*Be NATURAL ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -AUTOBIOGRAPHIE-

mardi 23 décembre 2014

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

jeudi 18 décembre 2014

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "The Dream Woman"

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "The Dream Woman"

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "The Dream Woman"

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "The Dream Woman"

mardi 16 décembre 2014


映画史上初の女性監督アリス・ギィ(1873-1968)の貴重な無声映画を、弁士つきで特別上映します。アリス・ギィは、フランスの老舗映画会社ゴーモ ンの秘書でしたが、すぐにその才能を発揮し、多くの作品を製作しました。彼女の見事な語り口、手際のよい編集、驚くべき快活さは、今も輝き続けています。
2002年に澤登翠に入門。日本国内の他に米、独、豪、克、加でも公演。作年9月よりミシガン大学芸術家滞在プログラムの招聘を受け約半年間、米国 にて活動していた。これまで手掛けた無声映画は洋・邦・中・アニメ・記録映画とジャンルを問わずに約300作品。活動弁士の他に紙芝居、声優、書生節、文 筆でも活動。行定勲監督作品『春の雪』や奥田民生のパンフレットDVDにも弁士として参加している。本年秋より数か月間渡独の予定。

キャスター付きベッド (1907, 4min)
キリストの生涯 (1906, 34min)


キャベツ畑の妖精 (1900, 1min)
サル人間の真相 (1906, 6min)
フェミニズムの結果 (1906, 7min)
誘惑のピアノ (1907, 5min)
バリケードの上で (1907, 5min)
ソーセージ競争 (1907, 5min)

パリ祭 2013 : プログラム

714日(日) 15 :0020 :00

lundi 15 décembre 2014

the original tombstone of Alice Guy Blaché disappeared

the original tombstone of alice Guy Blaché disappeared
the original tombstone of alice Guy Blaché disappeared
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vendredi 12 décembre 2014

*Be Natural !' ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -The Face at the Window

*Be Natural !' ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -The Face at the Window
*Be Natural !' ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -The Face at the Window
*Be Natural !' ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -The Face at the Window


*Be Natural !' ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché -The Face at the Window

jeudi 11 décembre 2014

* Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "Invisible Ink" * Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "Invisible Ink

* Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "Invisible Ink"

* Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "Invisible Ink"

* Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché "Invisible Ink"

mercredi 10 décembre 2014

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Aice Guy Blaché -Making an American Citizen

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blache -Dick Whitington and his Cat

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
Dick Whitington and his Cat

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
Dick Whitington and his Cat

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
Dick Whitington and his Cat

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
Dick Whitington and his Cat
*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
Dick Whitington and his Cat

-Dick Whitington and his Cat

*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

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 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché

 *Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché
*Be Natural ! ©riginal Memoirs of Alice Guy Blaché